Thursday, December 24, 2009

How To Tie Racquetball Wrist Strap


A special greetings to all adolescents and young people who attend our Anglican parishes and missions!



Monday, December 21, 2009

North Face Tna Fleece

Twisted Sister - Oh Come All Ye Faithful web

Merry Christmas to all, here I leave a Twisted Sister
the year q q hope is to revive my blog q q truth was weak this year, ...

good, happy holidays

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do People Wear Ties Shirts Untucked

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Long Before Anorexics Die?


If you are a youth leader and are looking ...... ...........

Ideas, some tips, games, themes for your youth groups, and find out what is happening with the youth of today.
find something you can help!!


This journal will be of great help, have 2 copies in the small library we have in the youth office at the diocesan center.
practical But you can read from home, only have to enter the internet @ !!!!!!!!!

To read the necesitassssss magazine register then you will have access to all copies of the magazine "Youth Leader" free.
So do not wait mássss REGISTER NOW!

BLESSINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : O) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Find Investors For Adult Film

Tema5. Powers and roots

1. Powers
3. square roots
4. Curiosities square root

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vintage Barbara Weber Painting


After months of idleness leave a small example of how to start a popup from the server, well the trick is not very complex rather super easy but it will be very useful & # 160, someone that's for sure, I will place two ways to do it by placing the jscript popup trigger and the other using the registration form for q scripts run at startup de la pagina web

Con jscript en el botón q levanta el popup

  • Abran un nuevo web form coloquen un textBox y un Button
  • En el evento load del web form coloquen el siguiente código

    Dim s As String

    s =

    "'webform2.aspx?" & _
    "&id=" & I . TextBox1.Text & _
    "','',' width = 860, height = 520, left = 40, top = 100, resizable = yes , status = yes, scrollbars = yes'); "

    I . Button1.OnClientClick =" javascript: " & s
  • Now add a second web form call
  • Add webforom2.aspx
  • a textbox and then in the load event of this new place the following webform

    Me.textbox1.text = Request.QueryString ( "Id" )

This example can something interesting is that if you write something in the textbox and call the popup, will not be transferred what they wrote, but if it will tighten again now if the text is transferred first to the second webform, this is because q script that raises the popup is "loaded" with the textbox in a subsequent postback, ie when you press the button for the first time are calling the form according to Previous state of the textbox, that the execution order makes first run the script jscript on the client and the postback occurs then you just load the contents of the textbox in the call to WebForm2. This detail is very important because if not handled well q will occur in this example, a lag of a postback in data passed to the second webform. To fix this do the following, place the textbox's AutoPostBack to true and ready, to leave the textbox with a postback will occur tab and jscript loaded correctly, then push the button and ready and works well.

Using the OnLoad event of the page when

Let's add a new WebForm to the project and will do almost the same as in the other, but use the click event of server-side button

  • the new webform add a textbox and a button as in the previous case
  • make 2 clicks to the button click event and put the following

    Dim s As
    String s =

    " ( 'webform2.aspx? " & _
    " & id = " & Me . TextBox1.Text & _
    "','',' width = 860, height = 520, left = 40, top = 100, resizable = yes , status = yes, scrollbars = yes'); "

    Dim ss As String =" \u0026lt;script language = "" jscript "> & s & "</script>"

    Dim Pop As ClientScriptManager = Page.ClientScript
    Me .GetType(), "OnLoad" , ss)

Eso es todo, ahora ejecuten este nuevo webform carguen algo en el tetbox y opriman el botón, esta vez todo funciona perfectamente sin necesidad de colocar the AutoPostBack in the textbox, this is a very simple example, but serves to give a look at the popups, When they are using AJAX line: Pop.RegisterStartupScript ( I . GetType (), "OnLoad" , ss) should change it:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript (

I , I . GetType, "OnLoad" , sScript, True )

well that's all I hope it helps someone

salu2 Sergio

Monday, July 13, 2009

Elegant Cae Shop Name

Considered by JC Tello matrix culture of Peru, which is the formative stage of our history. Understood from its central area to Ayacucho Cajamarca in the highlands, and from Lambayeque to Ica on the coast. Agriculture was the basis of its development, various hydraulic techniques used for irrigated agriculture.
El maíz fue la base fundamental de su agricultura y alimentación. Chavín se encuentra a 3,000 m.s.n.m., junto al río pequeño Mosna afluente del río Marañón allí se hallan edificaciones piramidales con muros y columnas de piedras labradas y galerías subterráneas. En los muros sobresale las cabezas clavas, llamadas así por estar colocadas en forma de clavos gigantes. El famoso Lanzón, tiene una altura cercana a los 5m. Se encuentra en unos de los cruceros de las galerías subterráneas. Es un monolito que parece un gigante cuchillo en forma de un aterrador felino antropomorfo, con garras y colmillos y con cabellos ensortijados como serpientes. Otros monolitos encontrados allí son los denominados Estela de Raimondi and the Tello Obelisk.
Tello JC Wise discoverer of this culture in 1925. The desert area where they evolved this culture did not prevent the gains achieved. In Quechua, Pa Racas means rain of sand, which is very typical of this area.
Paracas Mantles ranks first this attention for its millennia-old, to maintain their color and stunning beauty. Found in Paracas mummies wrapped in funeral shrouds and were in a fetal position with knees resting on the chest. Otherwise considered important advances of this culture in the field of medicine, as mastered the technique of trepanation of skulls and mummified corpses.

three decades ago, more or less, was discovered, which is situated in the department of Piura. Samples of this culture know of their progress in metal urged and realistic characters and sculptural pottery.
Vicus is called by the name of the place where the cemetery is most important in this culture, its main area is in the Alto Piura. No housing or buildings known Vicus. Her pottery has sculptural and realistic trend. It is also typical of the decoration of white paint on red. Used in the metallurgy of copper, gold and silver alloy and they called Tumbaga. One of the most widespread statuettes Peruvian art is precisely the Vicus culture. Cold Calling Venus, a beautiful golden stone.

had its main area in the province of the same name, south of the department of Ica. The foundation was agriculture, developed despite the scarcity of water hydraulic works, consisting mainly of underground galleries, for enabling the land for cultivation. Relating to agriculture are the world-famous Nazca lines or drawings, discovered in 1927 by Don Toribio Mejia Xesspe. Then a pupil of JC Tello. These drawings cover an area that has been estimated at 350 km2. Maria Reiche, said the Nazca lines were points of astronomical observations, very useful for agriculture. Nazca pottery is of extraordinary beauty. The list includes plants, animals, cabezastrofeos, anthropomorphic (ie human form), geometric designs, etc.. It is spherical vessels with two peaks and a handle. It is important to note the use of many colors, predominantly white, red, ocher, yellow and gray.
was located on the northern coast, covering the valleys of Chao, Viru, Moche and Chicama. But his dominance and influence spanned from the valley of Lambayeque to Huarmey. The use of advanced hydraulic techniques allowed a flourishing agricultural Moche society, which also knew how to use marine resources efficiently. In his ceramics are the most extensive and beautiful documentation on various aspects of contemporary life. In huacos include nobles with their clothes and luxurious decorations, surrounded by servants. They are usually flat-bottomed spherical vessels with handles in the shape of stirrups, no larger than 20 cm. tall, not counting the cylindrical neck. Using 2 colors: creamy white background and a red ocher for design. The architecture was mainly of adobe, sun dried and not burned in ovens. Her most important temple was the Huaca del Sol, Moche.

This culture is located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of around 4,000 meters. For its expansive nature, this culture extended over the territories of Peru, Chile and Bolivia. But mainly developed in Peru, Bolivia, the Andean highlands. n practiced agriculture, hunting and above all the livestock. Meat and potatoes of which were jerky and potato starch respectively. Of special note in the architecture and sculpture. The most famous monument Tiahuanaco is called Puerta del Sol, an imposing monolith of about 4 m. Wide and 3 m. Long. At the top is the statue that represents, according to some scholars, the god Viracocha. The Puerta del Sol is located in the monumental Calasasaya. Ceramics are known in their Keros, made of clay vessels for drinking chicha were used in ceremonies and rituals.

Chimu Culture
extended from the Moche Valley on the north to the river Zarumilla, on the south to the Chancay river from the sea until the beginning of the Andes. near Trujillo ment is Chan Chan, capital of the Chimu culture. It was the widest adobe city in the Andes.
15Km His current perimeter., Including numerous palaces, temples, cemeteries, barns, warehouses, etc. Chimu pottery best known is black, spherical shape with a handle bracket and tubular neck. The most representative huacos shaped fish, birds, animals, fruits, etc, as well as mythological beings. The most important piece of jewelry was a big knife Chimu ceremonial or Tumi.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sherwin Williams Purple Bath Colors

Popups with aspnet IIS ASP applications on XP


still do not know if anyone has or uses or has used "IIS applications" that were a type of ASP development project in Visual Studio 6, in those times we worked with Windows 98 and the IIS was in its infancy. Well "now" after a long time I had to review that aplicacióny obviously no longer use Windows 98, now I'm still using XP, and q is a bit old but .. still not change. Well the question

is that if they work with this type of project in the IIS 6 and XP will need a little trick to set the execution of these projects from VS 6 environment in debug mode & # 243, n.

When running the IIS application from the development environment, the error will

Server object, ASP 0178 (0x800A0005) The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object

And this is because the user IUSR_ \u0026lt;machinename> not have permission to access VB6.exe is the DCOM server, as there is no DCOM entry for VB6.exe Windows 2000, XP and above, default permissions are applied, which are only allowed access to the SYSTEM user and throwing the process, which is not the same user trying to access the DCOM server. Therefore, to gain access is to create a DCOM entry for vb6 and then give permission, the exact process I describe below are the

Creating DCOM entry for "VB ASP Debugging"

  1. Place following in a text file named Vbaspdbg.reg
    REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ CLSID \\ {70F214BA-94E2-8F30-32CB4A905E4D 4bdf "}]
    @ =" VB ASP Debugging "
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ CLSID \\ {70F214BA-94E2-4bdf-8F30-32CB4A905E4D} \\ LocalServer32]
    @ = "VB6.exe"
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ AppID \\ VB6.exe]
    "AppID" = "{70F214BA- 4bdf-8F30-94E2-32CB4A905E4D} "

  2. Then make 2 clicks to that file from Windows Explorer and go, we already have DCOM entry for VB6.exe

permissions in XP Demos

  1. Unlock Components Component Services or button located on Start / Administrative Tools / Component Services

  2. Expand the nodes until you reach " VB ASP Debugging" This is Component Services / Computers / My Computer / DCOM Configuration

    As in the figure below


  3. Then right click to VB ASP Debugging Properties and go to Security and access permissions, then include the user group asignenle All and all permits and in the following figure


  4. Apply changes and restart the machine and that's it

know it's not a hot topic to be treated but as certainly occurred to me someone else can happen you need to modify and debug an application No ASP former type "IIS Aplicattion."

you soon


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Healing After Remove Polyp From Cervix

Death Magnetic


This is the first post I get high with a topic that is not programming but I think it is worth q vary, a few months ago launched metallica Death Magnetic, the truth was not very excited to buy it, but since metallica is one of my bands favoritas lo hice por puro lealtad jeje, la verdad que al comienzo me parecio bueno, pero no tanto, de hecho mejor q el St Anger que es un disco malisimo (cualquier cosa es mejor ), con un par de temas que se salvan, la cosa es que cada vez que escuchaba el disco , descubria nuevos sonidos, riffs, acordes, armonías que parecen no terminar de aparecer, es un disco espectacular!!!! parece que gracias a la salida de bob rock como productor y con la ayuda de Rick Rubin, se han vuelto a encontrar en su sonido, ahora metallica está en el camino de recuperar lo que todos los fans esperábamos desde el 90!!!, buen trash metal!!! , bueno al fin llegó después de 20 años, asi que vayan a comprar ese disco que está excellent, 1000 times better than I expected, correctly changed the font to its old format, and retook the colors of white and black like the .. q and justice, as if to say we will restart from where we got lost lol



q all they do to record is that it seemed that tends to reissue sounds of old records, as well for me that is no sin, but it is what everyone wanted! Criticism is rare to see a metallica always criticized for their records change much from one another, now give that this tends to return to the roots jejeje who understands people??

The first track starts slow with the beating of a heart and soon begins to take hold very good riffs from the beginning take care and do not lose it for nothing, but q lasts 7 minutes, for me this is one of the best tracks on the album and without doubt one the best of metallica. Another issue that is one of my favorites of the album is Broken, beat and scarred, for me and has a lot of justice, is excellent, then q say that the song seems to fade to black, The Day That neveer eat, the truth I was more like One for the way in which gained momentum beginning and ending in madness trashera of solos, a Temon! All nightmare long then it appears that while q is an intro to me is not very striking, one minute after continuous change and excellent line. Unforgiven III is very good, better than the II for me, but does not surpass the first. Eventually encouraged to try again when an instrument that is very good, except for a couple of chords that I personally do not really like is a really good theme and is called Suicide & Redemption, the last song My Apocalypse brings all the memories of Damage Inc, the speed and strength, an excellent track to close the record, my least favorite song is Cynade, really do not like the chorus at all, but the intro, the solos are excellent , just put the stops on the chorus.

good as is, buy this disc will regret
