Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Error aspnet_wp.exe process

Hi That error

more cumbersome but as usually happens rather chaotic error is easy to solve, because each time I am more convinced that the little mistakes, those that are after the , s of months that the system is operating, are the hardest to find and fix probably, well back to the case

The error message occurs when you give the F5 running in debug mode to VS 2003, and ends well compila is to lift the IE get a message box that says Unable to start debugging and the Message box VS get the following Error

automatically attach aspnet_wp.exe process on the computer XXXX Error Code 0x8013134b.

Well the solution to this mess is very simple, will see the properties the IIS application (virtual directory), choose the palette and change the ASP.NET version & # 243; n the framework of ASP.NET 1.1, it turns out that when the Framework 2.0 is installed on the machine that is being assumed as a default framework and that's when the VS2003 does not know where fire and therefore can not be associated with the process aspnet_wp, I pass there a pic of where to change the framework version in IIS


Well that's it, easy right? Salu2
